
Before I run out of battery I want to say that I remem
Who? 74/79
What are u waffling about
Good evening from NZ stay safe out there man and hope ur doing well under current conditions. Big love from NZ
Must’ve driven his price down after that match
No need to get political
No, I've just eaten thanks
We love you! Big like from all the Israelis💙🤍
Ukraine is an official country. Palestine is not an official country. Israel is an official country who has rockets and missiles launched at them everyday. when the terrorist attack happened, what do you expect israel to do
Go support hamas terrorists and palestinian accomplices from gaza..
Huge win for Mainz
I think you dont know what a genocide is. Read some books about it
I actually don't...and if you cared about Palestinians you would acknowledge the evacuation order that the IDF sent out across Gaza for 2 weeks straight.
If Hamas are launching rockets from churches...they are no longer churches.
Gaza has over 2 mio people. For 20 years they had nearly 1 mio. Israel is out there in 2005. Hamas was voted in 2006. Is this a genocide for you??
I'm reading so much hatred here again and I would like to make one thing clear: This man has denied all Jews living in Israel the right to live and thereby indirectly incited genocide. This cannot be justified, no matter which side you are on in this war, which is hideous in every way. His unreasonable behavior makes El Ghazi a terrible personality, Mainz 05 has not sided with Israel, Mainz 05 has sided with respect, peace and humanity
they are fighting back dumbass. it just doesn’t seem like it because they are more technologically advanced and are fighting against low IQ individuals so naturally you pathetic libtards side with palestine
War crimes. Which ones are you referring to? Hamas slaughtering nearly 1500 civilians? Hamas kidnapping children? Or Israel fighting back to make sure that Hamas cannot do this again? Which they will try, as they say in their Charta that it is their goal to kill all Jews. No two-state-solution. But to kill all Jews. Israel, who are warning Palestinians civilians in advance before they strike while Hamas fires missiles at Israeli civilians and take away Palestinians' Kar keys and block the roads in order to use their own countrymen as human shields? The exact same Hamas who fire their missiles form sites located next to child care facilities and who build their head quarters underneath hospitals? Before you post such pathetic shit that reveals so much more about your own lack of knowledge than the middle easter conflict, just take a few minutes and do some research.
Israel winning in the war. Palestine winning in making cute little chants and getting instagram sympathy from stupid girls like maria guardiola
Very clean, highly developed, has fantastic public transportation and is great when it comes to respecting the older generation. The food is lowkey overrated, still decent though. They have lots of problems when it comes to being overworked, which leads to high pressure and high suicide rates. And lots of strange people when it comes to certain things and maybe it's just me but I feel like it's awfully creepy. 6.5/10
good afternoon, do people still go to work as usual in Tel Aviv?
Good morning
good afternoon
Shalom my friend :)
Good afternoon mate how are you ?
And ya'll wonder why we don't coexist.
It's sad that on a page like sofifa there is openly expressed antisemitism in the comments... How miserable are some people that they think it's okay to do so? Religion does create hate, damn...
Good to hear my friend.Have a blessed evening and my solidarity.
Right now PAOK involves a lot of good talents. They have the best academies rn at my opinion. But in all time academies Panathinaikos has the best. Panathinaikos academies won the Euro 2004. Now for attacking football depends on the match and the choices of the coach.
Glad to see you’re alright. How do you think Gloukh would be used? As one of the two 8s? Or like Trossard as a winger who operates in the half spaces (which would require an overlapping fullback)?
Not sure you know the meaning of indigenous😂😂that land has been settled hundreds of times in the last thousand years, if anything the Jews are the indigenous population who were removed and have now rightfully reclaimed it.
Jews are fine with whoever's not trying to kill them all the time...
Hamas is a bully who assaulted a person on the street. However, Hamas had no idea that it had chosen the wrong person. He attacked an MMA fighter who immediately started beating him. Now the little Hamas is crying and making itself a victim. ♥
The normal people know from history that is your land and you will take it back. As a Greek I can feel you bc we are at the same situation.
You will fuck them am sure. Stay safe and we will protect you and help you 👍🏻🙏🏻
Dw, it´s gonna be over soon, We´re with ya. We will protect you at any cost. :)
Am very good. Dont hear anybody. Most if them are brainwashed from the crying of the Palestinians. Dont give a fuck about them. Everyday they do that, we have muslims crying for Palestine and saying that Israel is bad and all of that shit. Now in your place are all ok ?
Hello 👋🏻 How are you ?
The Hamas knows exactly what they are doing, poke the hornets next and use the everyday civilians as shield. They know how to spin a narrative and have been taking full advantage of it since the early 2010's. Both parties needs to find a middle ground or it will be cycle that will keep on continuing tbh.
Hamas are a bunch of dumb evil bastards. The good news is they will be decimated. The bad news is the Palestine civilians will suffer because of Hamas acts. Disgraceful the barbarities happening in our planet.
Wishing you peace and safety. Don't even think about sofifa in these sort of things... site barely has ball knowledge, let alone world knowledge.
Just stay safe that's the most important thing. What people say doesn't matter, they give opinions on subjects they don't understand. This is not a criticism of these people, just a fact. This conflict is much more complex and not everything is black and white. They think it's a Manichean problem when it goes beyond all that. The most important thing is to stay safe and protect the people you love.
Stay safe. Hope this doesn't escalate to unimaginable heights. No one wins in war.
No justification possible for the massacre of civilians. This in no way helps the Palestinian cause and is simply evil. Won’t pretend to like what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians either but there is no justification for executing civilians. Said it in the post below as well but hope you and your loved ones stay safe mate
He has been one of the better players here.
Heal timber? Sure lemme get a med kit from Battlefield 4
Anybody who categorizes that filth as free speech should have their fucking head checked whether its meant as trolling or not
So Arsenal actually gave me a wedding gift today! Oh and welcome back Jayzooz you slick beast.
Havertz - Rice - Odegaard
Plays better than Richarlison
Its a fucking disgrace man, 12 year old gloryhunters on this page who judge players on the merits of 2 games because thats all theyve seen
Haven't come around to watching the game yet, but point 2 was something I noticed in the Nürnberg game also. It looks like Arteta wants to try having the 10s make runs out wide, the 9 dropping and the wingers making runs inside (either behind or purely horizontal runs). It does look like he wants even more rotations tho between the players, which I love to see. It really brings back Wenger-ball memories. Not that they have TOTAL freedom, but there's a lot of fluidity in the way we play. And, like I've said before, I think giving guys like Saka more opportunities to play in central areas is a good thing. He's simply too good and too complete of a footballer to restrict to one part of the pitch (pot why someone like Kudus is wanted btw; another winger who's also really comfortable in inside, "midfieldery" areas.) But yeah, the exciting thing is that we know what the lads are capable of when they're at 100%. Knowing we can rotate them now and keep them at 100% for the biggest games... oof. Look out.
I think our deep, deep block could see Havertz dropping deep too, but I agree with Asnurgyyy; I imagine Ødegaard takes the brunt of that responsibility. He'll almost certainly have to take a deeper role in buildup phases, so I think it's natural that he plays deeper defensively too. The main benefactor of having Havertz deeper tho, like you alluded too, is his physicality. He's great in the air and could be very useful if teams are pinning us back, defending the box etc. But yeah, I think he'll only be there if we're really being pinned back (which, hopefully, won't happen that often lol). No one knows tho... and that's fine. It'll be fun to see how it all works out!
Zipping up his jacket for sure.