
Hyballa haha. 🤣
"Amazing and unbelievable scenes took place after the match between AZ Alkmaar and Legia Warszawa. After the press conference with coach Kosta Runjaic and the hosts' coach Pascal Jansen, Legia players started to leave the stadium and went to the bus. When most of them were already on the bus, at some point someone decided to close the facility. Among others, they were unable to leave the stadium Paweł Wszołek and Bartosz Slisz, but also the club's authorities including the president and owner of Legia, Dariusz Mioduski. Translations did not help, but the security team, along with the police, became aggressive and rude. The officers cursed and pushed everyone one by one. The kitman was the first to be pushed, and after a while it was coach Kosta Runjaic. The owner of the club was also attacked by a policeman who had a masked face and was very aggressive. The stadium was closed because Legia fans were leaving the visitors' sector at that time - but nothing explains the aggressive behavior of the police. After a few minutes, everyone left the stadium, but they still couldn't get on the bus. There were fights. Dariusz Mioduski was insulted and at one point he received a punch in the face. Josue and Radovan Pankov stood up for their colleagues and the president and both were detained, with their hands behind their backs, in handcuffs, and were taken to the police station. The police gave an ultimatum - either Josue and Pankov will leave the bus voluntarily or they will launch an assault. Eventually, they both left and were arrested. The police wanted to also arrest the president of Legia, Dariusz Mioduski, but he eventually managed to get back to the bus. He was pushed along the way, as were people from the Polish media who tried to take photos. Everything happened after midnight, and finally the team without Josue and Pankov reached the hotel before one o'clock. The club is doing everything it can to help the detained players who were taken to the police station. Legia was initially informed that they were taken to the police station in Amsterdam, but after half an hour it turned out that they remained in Alkmaar. The consul was woken up and tried to help, but the locals did not want to talk to him. It is necessary to contact the Serbian and Portuguese consuls, but this is difficult because it is the middle of the night. There was also contact with the Polish embassy. For now, it is not known whether the detained will be able to return to Poland with the team. There is a possibility that they will be charged and stay in the Netherlands. If this happened, they would not play in Sunday's match against Raków. Coach Kosta Runjaić and team manager Konrad Paśniewski went after the detained players. Legia landed in Warsaw without Josue and Pankov. The players will return to Poland on Friday evening. They are waiting for the testimony of the "victim" and will be released. At. A press conference by President Mioduski will be held at 2:00 p.m."
What a bunch of bots
Also Legia's president got hit in the face, and he's a deputy head of the club competition committee in UEFA. AZ will get punished hard for that, not the mention that in Warsaw their fans will be put through hell because of this whole situation.
I'd rather live in a monkey grove than in the Netherlands, where people who go out on the streets are afraid of being killed and raped by "poor Muslim newcomers".
"You can't mediate during an arrest"-so if you are a policeman and someone wants to clarify a matter with you, do you have the right to beat him?
Ughhh someone's a little mad, go for a walk
You have a temper of a teenager boy going through puberty https://s3a.sofifa.net/70e2d2aef91f61ab5f4ccf9095e977a01cfdec41.jpg
President of Legia Dariusz Mioduski: "The aggression came from that side. The behavior of the man who is probably testifying now was so aggressive that we wondered whether he was under the influence of certain measures."
Arrested by the Dutch police for playing for Legia😂😂😂
Bold statement from Groningen fan
He's not finished, he preffer money over glory and we need to understand that for many players football is a job
https://sofifa.com/player/13369192/c-ronaldo-dos-santos-aveiro His deserved rating.
Glad you follow Indian football clubs like Kerela blasters... Anyway think around your statement, maybe you are the reason "non-locals" don't follow eredivise...
Tifoso italiano juventino ma bergamasco e residente in Inghilterra. Ma tu continua pure con le tue generalizzazioni da bimbominchia. Deficiente del cazzo.
Bro Serie A is an international league, continue this patriotism with your Dutch league..
Back off the Atalanta fan you absolute prick
We are linked with him, would be a great deal for us tbh, let's see where it goes...
Americans ruin everything
yes EA, let's be lazy and not get the licenses for any teams, and instead of doing that lets add fucking team from a TV show. Waiting for the Peaky Blinders FC team
I'd prefer a Looney Tunes or Nikelodeon FC instead of this crap.
remove this stupid team please.
delete this club please thanks I want realistic stuff and not overrated prem ratings and an afc picmond
Trek die stekker er nou maar uit, als kasplantje leven lijkt me nou ook niet fijn. Vind dat je als je je spelers hersendood laat gaan op het veld toch echt eerder een licence moet intrekken
more braindead comment than Nouri
rumors sayin he's proven "not guilty" and can be addet to team soon , hope things go well for him and see him on the pitch again !
Man man man man man
Klein stadion met kunstgras, wat een aanwinst voor de ED
I'm against it. The plans are no good for Feyenoord. The main focus is to improve Rotterdam itself. But Feyenoord needs a stadium that results in more money, simple as that. This plan almost won't increase any budgets of the club. And it's also a big risk, when the costs will be slightly higher Feyenoord will be in big, big trouble. So no thank you, I'm hoping for a better plan
Taiwan is not a country.
Add Jobe Bellingham, he is 15 and is Jude’s younger brother
You should of stopped watching when you got knocked out tbh 🥲
For all youse calling us arrogant🥴🥴 https://s3a.sofifa.net/834277c0013cd1e3d4aeafafbbea148c04a3a01c.jpg
the typical weak-minded player, who uses his talent when HE wants it, not when his team needs it examples how there are too many ..... Ben Arfa, Nasri, Payet, Thauvin, Depay, Martial ..... Hazard, Neymar
Haland hasnt won a world cup and mbappe has more years.
Done with this Satan sport if it actually happens. Switching to Tennis and that cricket sport. Barcelona have zero shame left as a club and institution. A laughing stock for all the legacy that Cruyff built and left behind these morons to play haram-ball. https://twitter.com/ReshadRahman_/status/1397138339329884160?s=20
but does the US women's team generate a shit ton more money then the mens team? (the answer is yes, they do)
Florentino Perez gave an interview about the Super League not so long.ago, here is the gist of it (via Around Turin) 'Full interview with Florentino Perez about the Super League 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Perez (Real Madrid): "Football is going through a very tough situation, and the Super League will save the clubs financially. When there is no profit, the only way is to play more competitive games during the week. 40% of young people are not interested in football because there are too many low quality games. We have to adapt and football has to evolve. The Super League is not a closed league, every year 5 teams can join. Players who play the Super League will NOT be banned from their national teams. UEFA is a monopoly and it has to end. Football is on the verge of totally ending. We have to act, and act fast. The UEFA have a new UCL format for 2024 but in 2024 we, the clubs would have been dead already. PSG have not been invited. We haven't even spoken to any German clubs. We are now 12 clubs, we want to become 15 clubs. The super league will not be cancelled. The 15 founding clubs are the ones that matter the most in terms of entertainment. Teams like Napoli and Roma will have a chance to be in the competition one year or another let's see" The champions league is losing interest. Will the super league ever lose interest? No, because games will be between big clubs. VAR will be in the Super league, referees will also improve and they will be FFP (financial fair play). So much money has been lost, we can’t afford to lose anymore. We have been working on this project for 20 years and here we are. We owe it to all the fans of these clubs. We will improve football for all of them. We have announced it now because we want to start with it next season. The clubs signed the agreement on 17th April. The contract is binding, nobody can leave, there aren’t any problems between any of the clubs, everything is signed and agreed but that's not a problem because everyone is in agreement. I know what Lebron James is earning but not what the UEFA President is earning There is no transparency. There will be a 55% salary cap and We might have to make the football matches shorter, if young people find them too long! BIG CLUBS WILL GET A LOT OF MONEY, THEN WE WILL DISTRIBUTE IT TO EVERYONE. THERE COULD ALSO BE A SECOND DIVISION OF THE SUPER LEAGUE.'
Ffs there are sooo many people who think that Madrid pay fuck loaf of money to players. Brother, Madrid actually has one of the best wage structures right now. Know you facts before you come here blabbing about someone. Also there is going to be a salary cap of 55% in the ESL. Please only comment after getting the full information about these things.
Promotion/relegation will still happen just more slowly I agree not great but it's not gone And let's be fair there's no chance FIFA or UEFA can sustain and international cup or any league without the best players they will lose a shit ton in TV rights and sponsorship they will have to let them back in or in the long run be shut down. They aren't stupid they won't let that happen the best cause situation is they're forced to make some drastic changes to keep those biggest players and clubs happy or risk being shut down
Honestly who cares lmao.
They can't be worse then what we currently have to be honest
Let's be honest here for a second, if there was nothing wrong with both UEFA and FIFA then none of this whole shit would've happened in the first place For a entire decade the UEFA have been in control for pretty much everything about the European football but instead of using this sort of power to make the sport better they turned themselves into an industry that is being run through corruptions and bribing while the only purpose is self gain and nothing more On one hand UEFA takes 60% of the total income from TV Rights and Sponsorships without providing anything other than the rules and the trophy itself while the large teams who bring most of the viewers and sponsors takes 40% and share it How is that fair ? You think this wouldn't get worse ? How you would react if i tell you that the total income from winning the UCL is below 80M while winning the Championship in England gets you 120M ? Even worse they allow the foundation of other companions like more cups in the leagues or the Nations League as long as it grants them more money even if puts more pressure on the big teams And because of that corruption they let teams like Man City and Paris, despite breaking their FFP rules for many times, climb up to the top to compete with the big teams who has large history behind them without any problems or punishment but when AC Milan decided to do the same thing they punish them in no time I see a lot of people saying that the ESL will kill football and turn it into a business but the reality is that both UEFA and FIFA started doing this a long time ago without anybody saying a word
https://s3a.sofifa.net/6c057e1bf425b708c1b9fdc7679fb0efb9ef5a20.jpg The super League isn't killing football. UEFA and FIFA lining there pockets instead of paying fairly and advancing the sport did
The biggest teams need to have the money they deserve as to give us the highest quality matches you dumbfuck. Why should we give our money to other teams and middlemen? Big games are big games and we're can enjoy it more often with real teams instead of fucking Dijon, Sheffield, Eibar,... Stop sucking FIFA because they've been here for longer.
"aMeRiCaN aRe EvIl. They're sucking money from the poor being rich without doing anything" Your mentally disabled brains realizes most big innovation in the world like Google, Windows, Ios, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix,... that you use everyday wouldn't exist without American right?
Ah yes the typical "support your local club" retard. By that logic go supporting Greece and do not care about any other clubs. You do realize most of Real/Barca/United/Liverpool's revenue comes from international fans right?
How can it be more corrupt when more of the fans money will go directly to the clubs?
Tbh the ESL idea is at least saving football from FIFA. They'll at least compromise at some point removing the irrelevant nation league and giving the clubs more money.
History will never be erased. Every single match we watched is still there so don't act like they aren't. Everything is recorded in the internet and no one can change it. The UCL will become irrelevant but we'll have a much better league. The evoluted one. We've won 13 UCLs when it's the biggest tournament and now we're going to win the ESL as the new supreme league. Nothing will ever be forgotten. Nothing to cry about.